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Smile Transformation
Why consider a Full Mouth Reconstruction ?
What is a full mouth reconstruction ?
This clinical procedure can be performed on a multitiude of teeth if they have good bone support around the roots and are mechanically sound and are likely to last a minimum of 10 years while retaining a whole new jaw of teeth that look, feel and function naturally and without pain. In such a scenario, we can provide a 'transitional telescopic bridge' which will provide excellent function and aesthetics before all the teeth need to be removed in favour of a full mouth reconstruction on several dental implants.
If there is any clinical doubt that your whole jaw of teeth can be successfully utilised in a full or partial briddge construction on the remaining roots then all the teeth will need to be sacrificed to enable construction of a full bridge on dental implants.
Have you suffered with gum disease affecting many teeth, resulting in multiple abscesses, oral malodour (halitosis), and mobile teeth which leads to difficulty in eating and unsatisfactory appearance ?
​Do you have teeth that look appalling - to the extent that you find yourself constantly covering your mouth when you speak and you refrain from smiling due to embarassment and low self-esteem ?
Do you suffer with teeth that are heavily filled and keep breaking and you find yourself going to the dentist frequently to undertake repairs ?
Do you suffer with loose, painful and clumsy dentures?
​If you answered 'yes' to any of the above questions then you are likely to benefit from the life changing effect of a full mouth reconstruction.
​Every mouth and person is unique with unique biologic needs. We therefore would love to understand your specific needs and would love to offer a free 'no obligation' discussion ideally by zoom to provide you with some ideas about the various directions of travel and the likely cost implications.
Full mouth solution on Dental Implants
Two-Implant or Three-Implant Overdenture
The solution to stabilising a mobile denture.
Starts from £4750.00
Full Mouth solution on Dental Implants
Four-implant bar Overdenture
An interconcted barn to provide increased stabilization.
Starts from £7500.00
Full mouth bridge on 4 or more Implants
All-on-4 OR All-on-X. Multiple implant solution to stabilise a fixed bridge or a Telescopic Dentire
​Fixed teeth for a whole jaw on multiple dental implants.
Starts from £12,500.00
Full mouth bridge on several teeth
Full mouth reconstruction on a minimum of 4-5 teeth
Fixed teeth for a whole jaw on multiple tooth abutments.
Starts from £15,000
"The process was seemless from beginning to end....the surgery was uneventful, and the completed result was so natural and comfortable and has restored my bite. I can chew once again. Thank you so much for your professionalism and skills..."